Also, I'm a new reader and your work hits so many of my same sentiments and experiences. Thank you

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@Tiffany Stacey is our cousin !!!! You two DEF need to know each other

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Thank you Stacey, and so nice to meet you! I am so glad my words found you.

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so glad you wrote a full piece about this as I LOVE this perspective and love you!

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Thanks Sarah! I couldn't get out conversation about comparisons out of my head and was looking for a reframe, here it is!

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Love this reframe for comparison. Putting it to constructive use takes the sting out and amplifies the learning from the emotion vs shoving it down or avoiding altogether

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Thank you Stacey! I tried shoving it down and avoiding it altogether, but when that didn't work I went in search of a different answer. Glad my words resonated.

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